The Corner House by Fred M. White is a captivating mystery that centers around a seemingly ordinary house hiding extraordinary secrets. When a series of bizarre events unfold at the Corner House, a young detective is drawn into a web of danger, deception, and dark history. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a haunting mystery that threatens to consume everyone involved. With each clue pointing to a darker truth, the detective must unravel the secrets before it's too late. This atmospheric thriller promises twists, turns, and a gripping conclusion that will leave readers breathless.
Gipsy Tales : Short Stories
Fred M. White
bookThe Crimson Blind
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bookCollected Short Stories - Book3
Fred M. White
bookA Golden Argosy : A Novelette
Fred M. White
bookThe Silver Stream : A Christmas Story
Fred M. White
bookCollected Short Stories - Book11
Fred M. White
bookThe Master Criminal : Short Stories
Fred M. White
bookThe Gentle Buccaneer Stories : Short Stories
Fred M. White
bookBy Order of the League
Fred M. White
bookIn Trust
Fred M. White
bookThe Island of Shadows
Fred M. White
bookThe House of the Schemers
Fred M. White