There it is, cried Craig scarcely able to restrain himself with the keenness of his chase, "there it is--the mark like an 'L.' This cartridge bears the one mark, distinct, not possible to have been made by any other pistol in the world. None of the Hep Sings, all with the same make of weapons, none of the gunmen in their employ, could duplicate that mark."
The Treasure Train
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Soul Scar: Detective Craig Kennedy's Case
Arthur Reeve
bookConstance Dunlap
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Gold of the Gods
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Craig Kennedy Collection
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Poisoned Pen
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Film Mystery
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Ear in the Wall
Arthur Reeve
bookDetective Stories
Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Reeve, Edgar Allan Poe, Anton Chekov, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hanshew
bookThe Silent Bullet
Arthur Reeve
bookThe Film Mystery
Arthur Reeve