Versatile and expressive, oils are the most popular media for artists who want to learn to paint. Professional artist and inspirational teacher Barrington Barber works with their strengths in The Fundamentals of Oil Painting. The perfect guide to an absorbing activity, the book covers everything you need to know, from investing in the right equipment and making those first marks on canvas to developing the range of subject matter available to you. In addition, Barrington Barber shows how paintings can be broken down into simple steps, whether the subject is a still life, a landscape or a human portrait. His engaging style and inspiring examples will encourage you to take up your brush and experiment for yourself.
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bookEssential Guide to Drawing: Perspective & Composition
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bookThe Ultimate Drawing Book : Essential Skills, Techniques and Inspiration for Artists
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bookArt Class: The Complete Book of Drawing People : How to create your own artwork
Barrington Barber
bookLearn to Draw : 10-Week Course for Aspiring Artists
Barrington Barber
bookDrawing Portraits : A Practical Course for Artists
Barrington Barber
bookAnatomy for Artists : The Complete Guide to Drawing the Human Body
Barrington Barber
bookThe Essential Guide to Drawing : Key Skills for Every Artist
Barrington Barber
bookThe Complete Fundamentals of Drawing : Still Life, Figure Drawing, Landscapes & Portraits
Barrington Barber
bookAnatomy for Artists : A Complete Guide to Drawing the Human Body
Barrington Barber
bookThe Complete Book of Drawing Skills : Inspiring instruction from the world's best-selling drawing teacher
Barrington Barber
bookIntroduction to Drawing : Practical easy steps to great artwork
Barrington Barber
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