Laurence Sterne's magnum opus, 'The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman', is a groundbreaking work that defies traditional narrative structures and challenges the conventions of the 18th-century novel. This experimental novel is characterized by its digressive and eccentric style, where the narrator often goes off on tangents and explores various philosophical ideas, making it a unique and thought-provoking read. Sterne's use of humor and wit adds a playful tone to the narrative, creating a reading experience unlike any other of its time. The innovative approach to storytelling in 'Tristram Shandy' continues to fascinate readers and scholars alike, making it a classic in English literature.
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman : Life & Opinions of the Gentleman
Auteur(e) :
Format :
Durée :
- 464 pages
Langue :