What is the connection between God and East Sheen? How do you talk your way out of an Albanian jail? Why do dictators love to make comic books? How does a missed penalty-kick lead to a bloody war? Theodore Dalrymple, a psychiatrist who gives expert witness in murder cases, has a passion for sideways thinking. In The Pleasure of Thinking he takes us on a witty and erudite voyage along the hidden pathways that bring ideas together. At once light-hearted and enlightening, it is an amusing flight of the imagination in which we discover the happy accidents that befall those who remain endlessly curious.
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Theodore Dalrymple
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Theodore Dalrymple
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Theodore Dalrymple
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Theodore Dalrymple
bookLitter : The Remains of Our Culture
Theodore Dalrymple
bookThe Pleasure of Thinking : A Journey through the Sideways Leaps of Ideas
Theodore Dalrymple
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