« WHEN GOD CAME TO CHAT »: A 220-Page Miracle! What is The Church Really? Who decides on its definition, structure and operations? How to avoid the Traps of Pedophilia, of idolatry established by the False Ministers of CHRIST, the worship of Angels, and the enslavement of Religious Sects?... Where does this word CHURCH come from? The CHRIST YAHUSHUA: The Messiah, Son of GOD YHWH appeared in the middle of a street at the exit of a discotheque to Emmanuel MOTE: A Man who was glorifying himself, going from girl to girl, from discotheque to discotheque: Champion of France and Europe of Karate, professional Actor: To save him from a mortal traffic accident! This man was unaware that he had been chosen before his birth to be an Apostle of CHRIST! JEREMIAH CHAP.1 - It is after having renounced his inclinations and his dissolute life, that Emmanuel MOTE was trained by CHRIST YAHUSHUA Himself, following the example of Apostle Paul; although graduated from two Bible Schools and a theologian Doctor: In order to entrust him with an unspoken, revolutionary Message for the Church that CHRIST had come to build on Earth when gathering Apostles in Caesarea of Philippi: MATTHEW CHAP.16. This unique work: Is the Contents In Extenso of The Words of CHRIST YAHUSHUA To Emmanuel MOTE IN PARIS, FRANCE; In view of the re-ordering of The Global Church, whose purpose is to Prepare The Bride of CHRIST YAHUSHUA for The Upcoming Rapture Of The True Church: Before The Great Tribulation. Isaiah 51:16 "I have put my words in your mouth, and covered you with the shadow of my hand, to stretch out new heavens and to found a new earth, and to say to Zion, 'You are my people'." JEREMIAH 1:9 "Then the Lord stretched out his hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, 'Behold, I have put my words in your mouth."
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