Communicating to Seduce, Engage and Excite

An invaluable text written by a specialized communication coach intended for all those who wish to perfect their communication skills within the couple, during seduction and maintenance of relationships. This book represents the result of more than ten years of study and insight into the topic of communication applied to improving romantic relationships. Table of Contents: 1. COMMUNICATING TO SEDUCE, ENGAGE AND EXCITE IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS Communicate to Seduce, Engage and Excite Quality of Relationships and Quality of Life Technology Has Caught Us Unawares The Boiling Point Failure is Always Easier The Responsibility is Only Yours Communicating is a Real Casino Being Alone Sucks You Are A Diamond It All Depends On How You Communicate I don't think you'll fuck more (or maybe you will) The Great Illusion of "Seduction" What Other Coaches Don't Tell You Interpreting Communicative Contexts But I Can't Communicate Well... The Discomfort of Feeling "Out of Place" Ever heard of Social Intelligence? The Story of Philip, Perennially in the Friendship Zone In Love, the Fugitive Wins? Always Identify Communicative Objectives Expectations Are for Children Everything seems easy at first... You Create Your Relational Destiny Feeling Inadequate? Maybe You're Missing A Block The "Can Do" and the "Nerd". No Opportunities? Create them, Don't Make Excuses Anymore Making Love With the Mind Before the Body Don't Be Afraid of Making a Fool of Yourself You Have Your Whole Life To Improve Prince Charming Doesn't Exist ... and The Princess is Bipolar I Have Bad News: You Are Never Yourself But it's the shyness that gets me... 2.INSIGHTS The 6 things you CANNOT control in a relationship Is Love A Choice? How to Overcome Unrequited Love Communication - or Quality or Silence The Importance of Recognizing Emotions Always be respected, even in Chat Manage Emotions, Don't Bury Them! Learning to Say No, Feelings of Guilt and Self-Image Love in the Time of Tinder - Superficiality, Idealization, Immaturity and Self-Image What are the 5 wounds of the inner child within us? How to Win an Argument (Without Making a Slaughter) Dangerous Consequences of Communicating Emotions Quietly Possessiveness, Being Sexy and Insecurity Use Style and Sensitivity to Stand Out from the Competition Being Sensitive is a 'Plus' (which must be managed well) You have to Give Authentic Emotions to Receive Quality Emotions