„All living beings are Buddhas and have wisdom and virtue within them. (Buddha) Buddha ranks among the most often depicted holy figures of the world perhaps appearing more than Christ, a subject widely treated by Western artists. Venerated in all the nations of Asia, and even beyond, his image took form along the Silk Road, the birthplace of many schools of Buddhism. Indeed, the Buddhist religion recognises many Buddhas representing various traditions: such as Buddhism of „the Ancient Teaching‰ (Theravada), of „the Great Vehicle‰ (Mahayana) and Tantric Buddhism (Varjrayana). A figure adored by all, Buddha has been depicted in every art form: sculpture, often of monumental size, like the now destroyed Buddhas of Bamyan, painting, and above all in countless cave murals, such as those of Ajanta in India or Dunhuang in China. Perfect for all those passionate about Asian art, from neophytes to Buddhists, this fascinating work invites the reader to discover or rediscover Buddha, his history, his codes, but also his innumerable faces through one thousand representations selected from among the most beautiful works held in the worldÊs greatest museums.
1000 Paintings of Genius
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Donald Wigal
book1000 Monuments de Génie
Christopher E.M. Pearson
book1000 Chefs-d'Œuvre érotiques
Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe A. Thomas, Victoria Charles
book1000 Chef-d'œuvre des Arts décoratifs
Victoria Charles
book1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
Victoria Charles
book1000 Drawings of Genius
Victoria Charles, Klaus Carl
book1000 Chefs-d'œuvre de la peinture
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Donald Wigal
book1000 Sculptures of Genius
Joseph Manca, Patrick Bade, Sarah Costello
book1000 Bouddhas de Génie
T.W. Rhys Davids Ph.D. LLD., Victoria Charles
book1000 Pinturas de los Grandes Maestros
Victoria Charles, Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Donald Wigal
book1000 Obras de Arquitectura
Christopher E.M. Pearson