1. Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty
2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love
3. Walt Whitman - A Glimpse
4. W.Shakespeare - Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds
5. John Donne - The Good-Morrow
6. K.Gibran - Love One Another
7. Robert Browning - Meeting At Night
8. E.Dickinson - My River
9. P.B. Shelley - Love's Philosophy
10. Alfred Tennyson - Maud
11. E.A. Poe - Annabel Lee
12. J.Keats - Bright Star
13. Andrew Marvell - To His Coy Mistress
14. E.A. Poe - To Helen
15. R.Tagore - Unending Love
16. Elizabeth B. Browning - How Do I Love Thee?
17. Ella W. Wilcox - I Love You
18. E.Dickinson - Wild Nights
19. Sara Teasdale - I Am Not Yours
20. E.A.Poe - A Valentine
21. George Etherege - Sylvia
22. W.Shakespeare - My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun
23. Michael Drayton - Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part
24. Samuel T. Coleridge - Love
25. R.Burns - A Red, Red Rose
26. T.Wyatt - Whoso List To Hunt
27. Patience Worth - Who Said That Love Was Fire?
28. W.Shakespeare - Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day?
29. E.Dickinson - That I Did Always Love
30. C.Brennan - Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her
31. O.Wilde - We Are Made One with What We Touch and See
32. C.Marlowe - Who Ever Loved That Loved Not At First Sight?
33. E.Dickinson - Come Slowly, Eden
34. W.Shakespeare - My Love Is As A Fever, Longing Still
35. Unknown - The Maiden's Song
36. P.B. Shelley - Indian Serenade
37. E.A. Poe - A Dream Within A Dream
38. W.Morris - Love Is Enough
39. John Clare - First Love
40. P.B. Shelley - Music When Soft Voices Die (To --)
41. Thomas Moore - Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms
42. R.L. Stevenson - Love What Is Love
43. Anne Bradstreet - To My Dear And Loving Husband
44. John B. O'Reilly - A White Rose
45. Ralph W. Emerson - Give All To Love
46. Leigh Hunt - Jenny Kiss'd Me
47. Dante G. Rossetti - A Little While
48. W.Scott - Lochinvar
49. John Wilmot - Love And Life
50. Robert Herrick - Sweet Disorder
Some true gems, some not so much.
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