
Battle Bond


If you think having one dragon around messes up your life, imagine what itā€™s like when a second one shows up.

Iā€™m Val Thorvald, assassin of magical bad guys and tenuous ally to the dragon lord Zav.

He still calls me a mongrel and thinks Iā€™m a criminal, but he healed my wounds after we fought those dark elves together. Thatā€™s progress, right? Maybe one day, heā€™ll deign to use my name.

Not that this is my primary concern. Iā€™m busy with a new assignment. Nin, the awesome lady who makes my magical weapons, has a werewolf problem. Specifically, sleazy loser werewolf competitors who want to drive her out of business. Or worse.

Normally, a couple of werewolves wouldnā€™t be a big deal, but these ones have powerful allies. And then thereā€™s that new dragon.

It turns out heā€™s one of Zavā€™s enemies, and he wants to use me against him.

I donā€™t know why heā€™s picking on meā€”itā€™s not like I mean something to Zavā€”but somehow Iā€™ve gotten stuck in the middle of dragon politics. If you think that sounds like a nightmare, youā€™re right.

If I canā€™t figure out a way to help my friend with the werewolves while keeping these dragons from tearing me apart, weā€™re both going to end up flatter than the deck chairs when Zav lands on the roof of my apartment building.

Pick up Battle Bond, and continue the adventure today!

Narrator: Vivienne Leheny