Following the end of their quest to find the legendary Owen Deathstalker, Lewis and his group of Madness Maze survivors take the new rebel fleet in search of allies. On the Empire's home world, the exiled King Douglas begins to marshal his own forces amidst the outcasts of the Rookery, enlisting a number of unlikely elements to his cause. And the mightiest Deathstalker of them all plunges into the timestream to confront the relentless mad hunger of the being called the Terror.
Not of This World [Dramatized Adaptation] : Gideon Sable 4
Simon R. Green
audiobookShadows Fall (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Simon R. Green
audiobookThe Best Thing You Can Steal [Dramatized Adaptation] : Gideon Sable 1
Simon R. Green
audiobookThe House on Widows Hill [Dramatized Adaptation] : An Ishmael Jones Mystery 9
Simon R. Green
audiobookBlue Moon Rising (1 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Simon R. Green
audiobookGuard Against Dishonor [Dramatized Adaptation]
Simon R. Green
Simon R. Green
audiobookBeyond the Blue Moon
Simon R. Green
Simon R. Green
Simon R. Green
audiobookWhere Is Anybody?
Simon R. Green
audiobookWhat Song the Sirens Sang [Dramatized Adaptation] : Gideon Sable 3
Simon R. Green
Deathstalker Rebellion
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker War
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker Honor
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker Destiny
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker Legacy
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker Return
Simon R. Green
audiobookDeathstalker Coda
Simon R. Green
audiobookCoda (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]: Here Be Monsters
Simon R. Green
audiobookDestiny (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Debt
Simon R. Green
audiobookHonor (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]: Cry Havoc
Simon R. Green
audiobookLegacy (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]: All Kinds of Betrayal
Simon R. Green
audiobookLegacy (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation]: Terror in The Night
Simon R. Green