As opposed to the stories often heard, learning to draw on our own it’s not a difficult task. In order to achieve this, we just need to follow a logical and rational method. This book reveals how to draw dogs taking as a reference the skeleton of the animal. After this, the drawing will be made through its association with geometrical figures. Everybody is capable of drawing a circle, a square or a triangle, but what people don’t know is that with a few additional touches your sketch can be transformed into an incredible animal!
Drawing Unicorns & Other Mythical Creatures
Peter Gray
bookHow To Draw Pets : A Step-by-Step Guide
Aimee Willsher
bookArt in Needlework: A Book about Embroidery
Mary Buckle, Lewis F. Day
bookMushroom Botanical Art
Toshimitsu Fukiharu
bookDrawing Cartoons
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bookDelphi Complete Works of Rembrandt van Rijn (Illustrated)
Rembrandt van Rijn
bookDe tekenschool voor Potterheads : Leer stap-voor-stap je eigen fan-art tekenen
Berrin Jost
bookDe geheime tuin : Botanisch illustreren en ontwerpen
Mijke Desserjer
book50x waterverf : Avocado, Alpaca & co
Lena Yokota-Barth
bookSmalltalk Survival : Praktische gids voor de gesprekken tussendoor
Liz Luyben, Iris Posthouwer
bookArt journal school : 365 dagen tekenen, kleuren en schilderen
Marieke Blokland
Stephen Fry