Welcome to the Essential Science Fiction Novels book series, where you will find a selection of endless tales about the incredible technologies of the future, time travel and its consequences, adventures in interstellar spaceships, strange post-apocalyptic worlds, dangerous alien invasions and everything else the authors dreamed of or feared for the future of humanity.For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the 5 novels by authors who created memorable stories that shaped the foundations of Science Fiction. This book contains the following novels:The Temple of Fire by Francis Henry Atkins. A Honeymoon in Space by George Griffith. The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells. The Last Man by Mary Shelley. We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. If you appreciate good books, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!
Essential Science Fiction Novels - Volume 4
- 890 pages
- 492 books
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was born to well-known parents: author and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft and philosopher William Godwin. When Mary was sixteen, she met the young poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, a devotee of her father’s teachings. In 1816, the two of them travelled to Geneva to stay with Lord Byron. One evening, while they shared ghost stories, Lord Byron proposed that they each write a ghost story of their own. Frankenstein was Mary’s contribution. Other works of hers include Mathilda, The Last Man, and The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck.
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Yevgeny Zamyatin
Yevgeny Zamyatin was born in Russia in 1884. Arrested during the abortive 1905 revolution, he was exiled twice from St. Petersburg, then given amnesty in 1913. We, composed in 1920 and 1921, elicited attacks from party-line critics and writers. In 1929, the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers launched an all-out attack against him. Denied the right to publish his work, he requested permission to leave Russia, which Stalin granted in 1931. Zamyatin went to Paris, where he died in 1937. Mirra Ginsburg is a distinguished translator of Russian and Yiddish works by such well-known authors as Mikhail Bulgakov, Isaac Babel, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Editor and translator of three anthologies of Soviet science fiction, she has also edited and translated A Soviet Heretic: Essays by Yevgeny Zamyatin, and History of Soviet Literature by Vera Alexandrova.
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