For some years now, European citizens and politicians have increasingly sceptical views towards the European Union. The book examines the degree of Euroscepticism in the different member states and detects possible sources for Euroscepticism. On this basis the perspectives for the further development of the European Union can be discussed. The analyses address four main issues. The first issue focuses on the question of a European identity and the relation between European and national identities. The second issue analyses euroscepticism among European citizens. The third issue refers to the construction of euroscepticism in the mass media and the fourth issue draws the connection between euroscepticism and the party systems of different European countries. As a result of these four perspectives, a differentiated view of euroscepticism can be attained and the extent and possible sources for euroscpeticism can be established. In this light, a concluding discussion on the perspectives for the development of the European Union finalises the book. From the Contents: Images of Europe and European Identity Developing Euroscepticism among European citizens The construction of Euroscepticism in the mass media Party-based Euroscepticism Discussion and perspectives
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