Over 50 years after the original book became a bestseller and birthed an international women’s movement, the sequel to Helen Andelin’s Fascinating Womanhood is here. Originally published in 1963, Fascinating Womanhood sold over 5 million copies globally and was translated into 7 languages. As controversial as it was popular, the book also spawned a grassroots movement where women could learn more about feminine influence in relationships and the home—classes that continue to this day in countries including Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Japan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The sequel Fascinating Womanhood for the Timeless Woman sees Andelin’s daughter, Dixie Andelin Forsyth, pick up her mother’s mantle with the aim of ‘awakening an enlightened form of femininity in women, in order to inspire a noble masculinity in men, and create a lifelong romance.’ “Fascinating Womanhood for the Timeless Woman holds the position that most cultures have lost the sense of ascendency that comes from proper cultivation of femininity and masculinity in women and men, respectively. Fascinating Womanhood teaches that femininity inspires a noble masculinity in men and that it empowers and liberates women to pursue their greatest potential. We teach that women are the ‘gatekeepers of civilization’ and ‘humanity’s original adults.’ We refer to something we call ‘feminine power’ which is unlocked by a ‘fascinating woman,’” Dixie says. Fascinating Womanhood for the Timeless Woman is not merely a book of personal or moral opinions. It’s based in part on modern science, over 50 years of teaching experience and feedback, and most importantly, results.
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