
Hand-Loom Weaving: A Manual for School and Home


Hand-Loom Weaving: A Manual for School and Home by Mattie Phipps Todd is an essential guide for beginners and experienced weavers alike. The book covers various weaving techniques, patterns, and tips for creating beautiful handwoven textiles. Written in a clear and instructive style, the manual provides detailed instructions on setting up a loom, choosing materials, and troubleshooting common issues. Todd's emphasis on practicality and creativity makes this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the art of hand-loom weaving in both educational and domestic settings. Drawing on historical and contemporary weaving traditions, Todd's work serves as a bridge between past and present, showcasing the enduring appeal of this craft. Mattie Phipps Todd's expertise in weaving and passion for sharing her knowledge shines through in Hand-Loom Weaving, making it a must-read for aspiring weavers and textile enthusiasts looking to expand their skills and creativity.