
InnSaei : Heal, Revive, and Reset with the Icelandic Art of Intuition


Awaken the power of your inner voice and discover tools for leading a life enriched by empathy, creativity, and boundless wisdom.

Did you know that over 2 million people visit Iceland each year? Iceland is known for its diverse array of natural wonders, ultra-friendly people, and peaceful nation. The Icelandic culture and philosophy is the focus of Hrund GunnsteinsdĂłttir's book, InnSaei. (pronounced in-sy-ay)

This eye-opening book is made up of personal stories from around the globe, including Hrund’s own, wisdom from different cultures, science and the arts. Readers can keep a journal at hand to explore the exercises and savor in renewing our connection to our InnSæi. Throughout, Hrund offers us a potent toolkit which includes breathing and meditation exercises to re-engage our consciousness, grounding, mindfulness, and gratitude.

This is for:

Readers interested in burnout and balancing work-life Readers interested in spirituality and body, mind, and spirit content It is for spiritual seekers on a nontraditional path of enlightenment With the many challenges that our generation faces, we have never needed the human superpowers of creativity, empathy, tolerance and open-mindedness so much as the present moment. We desperately need the vivid imagination of so many to create a sustainable and flourishing future for all. InnSĂŚi is your inner guide, the voice of your soul.