Black pepper is one of the most important spice crops of India. It is produced mainly in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu of Southern India. Organic cultivation focuses basically on isolation. Pepper, when grown as an intercrop should still follow the conventions. Therefore, a 25 m wide isolation belt is to be made around the conventional production area of the plantation. The produce from this isolated belt is not to be considered as ‘organic’. In the case of sloppy terrain, care has to be taken to divert runoff water and drift from neighboring farms. Ginger is one of the important spice crops used for its aromatic and medicinal properties. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and believed to be a native of south-east Asia. Ginger is commercially sold in rhizome state. Turmeric, the ‘Indian saffron’ is one of the most important spice crops of India. Its culinary and medicinal merit finds its use in drug, cosmetic and food industry in India
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