


Iā€™m a Navy SEAL and a member of the elite Night Eagle Security team, so you better believe I take every one of my missions seriously. But this one is different. Iā€™m protecting Frannieā€“sheā€™s beautiful, fiercely independent, and on the run from her criminal ex-husband. I know heā€™s dangerousā€“that heā€™ll do anything to get Frannie backā€“but thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll ever let that happen. Trouble is, I can tell Frannie is hiding something from meā€“something big. Since she barely got away from her ex alive, I understand that sheā€™s wary, but I canā€™t help her if she doesnā€™t let me in. And no matter how badly I want a future with her, I swore Iā€™d never allow myself to be with someone who doesnā€™t trust me. But when Frannieā€™s secret comes out, I have to decide whether her betrayal is enough to make me walk away...or if Iā€™ll protect the woman I love no matter the cost.

Narrator: Tieran Wilder
