The year was 2346, and Earth, at the time, was a political democracy. The population was ruled by the Over-Council and, in order of decreasing importance, by Councils, and Local Councils. Each was composed of representatives duly apportioned by popular vote between the two contending parties. Executive direction was provided by a variety of Secretaries, selected by vote of the appropriate Councils. An independent Judiciary upheld the laws. A unified Earth sent colonists to the stars. Back came strange tales and improbable animals. Back, too, came word of a burgeoning technological civilization on the planet Itra, peopled by entirely humanoid aliens. Earth felt it would be wise for Itra to join in a Galactic Federation and accordingly, submitted the terms of such a mutually advantageous agreement. The Itraians declined.
Black Cat Weekly #12
Lester Del Rey, Shelly Dickson Carr, Lester del Rey, Hal Charles, Paul Chadwick, Elizabeth Sanxay Holding, Kris Neville, John Gregory Betancourt, James MacCreigh
bookThe Science Fiction Archive #2
Fritz Leiber, C. M. Kornbluth, Phyllis Sterling-Smith, Ray Bradbury, Kris Neville, Lester Del Rey, Keith Laumer, Jim Harmon, Henry Slesar, Stanley Lee, Sydney Van Scyoc, Howard Browne
bookEarth Alert!
Kris Neville
bookEarth Alert!
Kris Neville
bookEarth Alert!
Kris Neville
bookEarth Alert!
Kris Neville, Sheba Blake