Among the many valuable works upon the life of Paul, this book occupies a field peculiaily its own. The historical narrative is traced down in a clear and connected manner, from the time of Paul's first dealings with the church as a persecutor until he was " offered up " as a willing sacrifice for the cause whiih he had learned to love more than his own life. Besides this, from his labors and sufferings, and from the instruction which he gave to the churches under his care, practical lessons are drawn for the church of today. This is the distinctive feature of the book, and is that which makes it particularly valuable.
The Acts of the Apostles
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Ministry Of Healing
Ellen Gould White
bookSpiritual Gifts
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Sanctified Life
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Story Of Jesus
Ellen Gould White
bookThoughts from the Mount Of Blessing
Ellen Gould White
bookChrist's Object Lessons
Ellen Gould White
bookSteps To Christ
Ellen Gould White
bookThe Desire of Ages
Ellen Gould White
bookPatriarchs and Prophets : (Conflict of the Ages #1)
Ellen Gould White
bookProphets and Kings : (Conflict of the Ages #2)
Ellen Gould White