Speech Therapy is a practice that assists people with speech and language disorders or who have trouble swallowing. This audiobook takes you through the role of a speech therapist, the anatomical structures and physiological functions of speech and hearing, phonetics, language development and speech disorders, the structure of language, and career paths in this field.
The Secret Life of Trees
Centre of Excellence
audiobookEFT for Kids
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audiobookNLP Practitioner
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audiobookMastering Flow States
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Centre of Excellence
audiobookChi Gung
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audiobookEssential Oils
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audiobookCrystal Healing for Animals
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Centre of Excellence
audiobookAspergers Awareness
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audiobookThe Divine Feminine
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audiobookPathological Demand Avoidance
Centre of Excellence
Say Goodbye To Stuttering
Suzzie Santos
book10 Proven Masterpiece To Succeeding In Life
Nnamani Paul Chinedu
bookNLP Communication & conscious leadership: train your brain to top performance
Camilla Gyllensvan
bookMasterflirt, online daten : hoe vind ik een leuke vrouw via internet
Tom Gorny, Tijn van Ewijk, Peter Dool
bookDe stoïcijnse gids voor geluk : Het zakboekje van Epictus herverteld voor het moderne leven
Massimo Pigliucci
bookExpert Secrets – Communication Skills, Critical Thinking & NLP : The Ultimate Neuro-Linguistic Programming Guide to Improve Body Language, Charisma, Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Self-Discipline.
Terry Lindberg
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bookThe Ultimate Introduction to NLP: How to build a successful life
Richard Bandler, Alessio Roberti, Owen Fitzpatrick
audiobookVerdubbel je geld in 5 jaar : Verstandig beleggen op de beurs
Sam Hollanders
bookHet ABC van NLP : neurolinguistisch programmeren
Dick Brouwer, Yoka Brouwer
bookInnerlijke rust met EFT
Yvonne Toeset
bookFocus AAN/UIT : Dicht de 4 concentratielekken en krijg meer gedaan in eenwereld vol afleiding
Mark Tigchelaar, Oscar de Bos