Erasmus' services to a new way of learning took various forms. He wrote school-books, bringing out his view that boys were kept too long over grammar, and ought to begin reading some good author as soon as possible. His own "Colloquies" were meant partly as models of colloquial Latin; the book was long a standard one in education. These lively dialogues are prose idylls with an ethical purpose,—the dramatic expression of the writer's views on the life of the day. Thus the dialogue between the Learned Lady and the Abbot depicts monastic illiteracy; that between the Soldier and the Carthusian brings out the seamy side of the military calling. Lucian has influenced the form; but the dramatic skill which blends earnestness with humour is the author's own; there are touches here and there which might fairly be called Shakspearian. This is part one of two.
The Praise of Folly/Against War
Desiderius Erasmus
audiobookLof en blaam : lof van het huwelijk ; lof van de geneeskunde ; lof der zotheid ; brief aan Maarten van Dor ; Julius buiten de hemelpoort
Desiderius Erasmus
bookOpvoeding : Etiquette; Leren studeren; De opvoeding van kinderen ; De opvoeding van de christenvorst ; Tegen de barbaren
Desiderius Erasmus
bookSpreekwoorden; Adagia
Desiderius Erasmus
bookLof der Zotheid
Desiderius Erasmus
bookThe Praise of Folly : Philosophical Essay on Superstitions
Desiderius Erasmus
bookEen twaalftal samenspraken : Tot inleiding: Cd. Busken Huet's beschouwing over Erasmus
Desiderius Erasmus
bookAgainst War
Desiderius Erasmus, Sheba Blake
bookIn Praise of Folly
Desiderius Erasmus
bookThe Praise of Folly
Desiderius Erasmus
audiobookbookManual of a Christian Knight
Desiderius Erasmus
bookThe Colloquies, Volume 2
Desiderius Erasmus