Sixty year old Rex Pebble inadvertently discovers that the fountain of youth happens to be in his back yard swimming pool. A magical statue of a nymph by the name of Baggage, an ornamental pool decoration, has playfully endowed the Pebble swimming pool with the power to reverse the aging process. Typical Thorne Smith fun ensues when Pebble, his wife, and his mistress take a dip and take twenty years off their lives.
The Glorious Pool
Thorne Smith
bookDid She Fall?
Thorne Smith
bookThe Bishop's Jaegers
Thorne Smith
bookSkin and Bones
Thorne Smith
bookThe Night Life of the Gods
Thorne Smith
Thorne Smith
bookThe Stray Lamb
Thorne Smith
Thorne Smith
bookTopper Takes a Trip
Thorne Smith
bookRain in the Doorway
Thorne Smith
bookDelphi Complete Works of Thorne Smith (Illustrated)
Thorne Smith
bookThe Night Life of the Gods
Thorne Smith
Lois Murphy
bookAncient Sorceries
Algernon Blackwood
bookAlien vs. Predator: Armageddon
Tim Lebbon
bookAliens: Phalanx
Scott Sigler
bookAliens: Infiltrator : Infiltrator
Weston Ochse
bookThis Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us
Edgar Cantero
bookThe Complete Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus
Steve Perry, S.D. Perry
bookThis Book Is Full Of Spiders: Seriously Dude Don't Touch It
David Wong
bookDe bruidstijd van Annie de Boogh
Herman Johan Robbers
bookAlien: Enemy of My Enemy
Mary SanGiovanni
bookAlien - Alien: Colony War
David Barnett
bookAlien: Covenant Origins : The Official Prequel to the Blockbuster Film
Alan Dean Foster