
The Laws of Money, The Lessons of Life: Keep What You Have And Create What You Deserve


USA Today has called Suze Orman "a force in the world of personal finance." For years, Suze has anticipated what you need to know and want to know about your money. Her books, radio and television shows, columns, and newsletter about personal finance have helped millions of people like you turn their financial lives around. The author of three consecutive runaway New York Times bestsellers, Suze is renowned for her unique brand of financial savvy, tell-it-like-it-is honesty, and dynamic motivational style, which propels her readers and audiences to change the course of their financial destiny. In this groundbreaking book, she continues to transform your relationship with money.

Never before has there been a money book and life guide like The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life. In a natural evolution of Suze's authoritative view of the world of money, and characterized by her straight talk, warmth, and humor, The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life reveals a revolutionary new paradigm of personal finance. The 5 Laws of Money are vital principles that you need to know whether you are old or young, male or female, with or without money, a novice or a veteran investor. These five laws operate without exception -- at all times, in every culture -- and apply to everyone, as Suze shows in the compassionate stories adapted from real-life situations that she recounts throughout the book. And the universal truths and lessons contained within each law help you learn how to keep what you have and create what you deserve. Anyone can -- and must -- put these laws to use today in order to survive and thrive in these times of constant upheaval and financial turmoil.

The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life provides an eminently sensible, highly effective process for gaining control over your life and your money. Through pointed questions about your attitudes toward money, with insightful financial exercises and personal guidance, Suze deciphers the false hopes and fears that keep you from making smart, confident decisions and choices about your money. Her take-charge optimism and realistic action plans will jolt you out of any financial confusion or paralysis, whether you're beginning your career or at a midpoint, planning for or already in retirement. You will learn to assess your current spending, savings, and investments, and acquire a sure sense of what you can do with the money you have and the money you want to have. A thorough guidebook is included that helps you put the laws into immediate action and see their lessons manifest in your own life.

Profound and practical, The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life will help you get out of debt, create what you want, and protect your money, your family, and your future. With these laws as your guide, you can avoid ever being a financial victim again.

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