Historical novel from the Civil War series. "The Scouts of Stonewall," while an independent story, is in effect a continuation of the series which began with "The Guns of Bull Run" and which was carried on in "The Guns of Shiloh." The present romance reverts to the Southern side, and is concerned with the fortunes of Harry Kenton and his friends. According to Wikipedia: "Joseph Alexander Altsheler (1862 - 1919), was an American author of popular juvenile historical fiction. Altsheler was born in Three Springs, Kentucky to Joseph and Louise Altsheler. In 1885, he took a job at the Louisville Courier-Journal as a reporter and later, an editor. He started working for the New York World in 1892, first as the paper's Hawaiian correspondent and then as the editor of the World's tri-weekly magazine. Due to a lack of suitable stories, he began writing children's stories for the magazine."
The Eyes of the Woods: A Story of the Ancient Wilderness
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Forest Runners, A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Young Trailers Series
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Hunters of the Hills
Joseph Altsheler
bookFree Rangers, A Story of the Early Days Along the Mississippi
Joseph Altsheler
bookLords of the Wild
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Rock of Chickamagua
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Scouts of the Valley
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Guns of Europe
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Sun of Quebec
Joseph Altsheler
bookTexan Series
Joseph Altsheler
bookBefore the Dawn
Joseph Altsheler