The Hardy Boys Mystery Series revolves around Frank and Joe Hardy, sons of the detective Fenton Hardy, who act as amateur sleuths, solving cases that stumped their adult counterparts. In the Secret of the Old Mill the Hardys learn that their friend Chet Morton has been tricked when asked to make change for what turned out to be a counterfeit twenty dollar bill. That is becoming more common in their town of Bayport, and Frank and Joe begin to investigate this curious case. When the Hardys and some of their friends go nearby an old watermill's to have a picnic, an arrow is shot at them with an attached note to give up their investigation. There is something strange about the old mill and the Hardy brothers decide to find out what.
Ship of Secrets
Franklin W. Dixon
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Franklin W. Dixon
bookMotocross Madness
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Great Coaster Caper
Franklin W. Dixon
Franklin W. Dixon
Franklin W. Dixon
bookSports Sabotage
Franklin W. Dixon
bookFeeding Frenzy
Franklin W. Dixon
bookKiller Mission : Book One in the Killer Mystery Trilogy
Franklin W. Dixon
bookHouse Arrest : Book Two in the Murder House Trilogy
Franklin W. Dixon
bookBayport Buccaneers
Franklin W. Dixon
bookThe Secret of the Caves
Franklin W. Dixon