In his latest collection of essays, security expert Bruce Schneier tackles a range of cybersecurity, privacy, and real-world security issues ripped from the headlines. Essays cover the ever-expanding role of technology in national security, war, transportation, the Internet of Things, elections, and more. Throughout, he challenges the status quo with a call for leaders, voters, and consumers to make better security and privacy decisions and investments. Bruce's writing has previously appeared in some of the world's best-known and most-respected publications, including The Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Wired, and many others. And now you can enjoy his essays in one place--at your own speed and convenience. - Timely security and privacy topics - The impact of security and privacy on our world - Perfect for fans of Bruce's blog and newsletter - Lower price than his previous essay collections The essays are written for anyone who cares about the future and implications of security and privacy for society.
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