How good is a shark's sense of hearing? What is the word that means 'fear of sharks'? How can you tell when a shark is about to attack? And how dangerous are sharks compared to coconuts? In this fascinating audiobook, narrator Jason Zenobia answers all these questions and more as he talks us through over one hundred facts about sharks. Covering subjects such as shark attacks, conservation, myths, record breakers and much more, this is the perfect audiobook for everyone, shark fan or not!
1001 Amazing Facts about Animals - Birds, cats, dogs, fish, horses, insects, lizards, sharks, snakes and spiders (Unabbreviated)
Jack Goldstein
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Jack Goldstein
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Jack Goldstein
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Jack Goldstein
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audiobook101 Amazing Facts about Eminem (Unabbreviated)
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audiobook101 Amazing Facts about Natural Disasters (Unabbreviated)
Jack Goldstein, Frankie Taylor
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audiobook101 Amazing Facts about Cats (Unabbreviated)
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