The author of numerous works of fiction, Travis Thrasher is much heralded for creating flawed characters who struggle on their paths to redemption. In 40, freelance music producer Tyler Harrison is closing in on his 40th birthday. Suffering hallucinations as the big day approaches, he meets a man named Matthew, who claims to be an angel and tells Tyler he will soon die. Descending into self-destructive behavior and uncertainty about God, Tyler meets Ellis, an internationally famous DJ. But Ellis' influence may be the last thing Tyler needs.
Olympic Pride, American Prejudice : The Untold Story of 18 African Americans Who Defied Jim Crow and Adolf Hitler to Compete in the 1936 Berlin Olympics
Deborah Riley Draper, Blair Underwood, Travis Thrasher
bookOlympic Pride, American Prejudice : The Untold Story of 18 African Americans Who Defied Jim Crow and Adolf Hitler to Compete in the 1936 Berlin Olympics
Deborah Riley Draper, Blair Underwood, Travis Thrasher
audiobookThat's a Rap
MattyB MattyB, Travis Thrasher
bookDo You Believe?: A Novel
Travis Thrasher
Travis Thrasher
Travis Thrasher