
A Druid of Her Own : An Immortal Highlander


Immortal, seductive, able to shift into a wolf, and a downright sinful highland warrior, Kennard Oā€™Caha has had only one mission for the past several centuriesā€”find and destroy the dark sorcerer Athol. Now that the job is done, itā€™s time to park his motorcycle, kick up his boots, enjoy a few drinks, and possibly find a honey to warm his bed for a night. After all, nothing quite refuels the magik like pleasure.

That was the plan, anyways.

Too bad life had something else in store for this magikal biker bad boy. When a stubborn redhead is set in his path, itā€™s all he can to do to keep from instantly claiming herā€”his mate. Evil has its sights set on his woman and heā€™s not about to let her go without one hell of a fight.

Verteller: Mason Lloyd