
A Sparrow for Job


Sparrow James, recent high school graduate, is destitute, homeless, and completely aloneā€¦until an eccentric elderly woman named Etta White offers her a job as a live-in helper. The two quickly form a bond of friendship that goes far beyond employer/employee. When Sparrow meets Ettaā€™s son, a soldier home on leave, the pair begin corresponding via letter, neither realizing the missives are exactly what they both need to heal their broken lives. But Jobā€™s letters stop, and Sparrow fears the worst. If thatā€™s not bad enough, Sparrow finds out Etta is battling cancer, and the womanā€™s time may be short. Sparrowā€™s world begins to crumble around her and the only one that can stop the destruction is a soldier missing on the other side of the world. Job and Ettaā€¦soldier and mother. Sparrowā€™s only lifelines in a cold, cruel world. What will Sparrow do when those two abruptly snap?