
Almost English


ā€˜The multi award-winning Charlotte Mendelson is famous for whipping up the hottest, messiest family dramas a writer of literary fiction can . . . This is late Shakespeare meets Modern Family and itā€™s irresistibleā€™ ā€“ The Times

In a tiny flat in West London, sixteen-year-old Marina lives with her emotionally delicate mother and three ancient Hungarian relatives. Imprisoned by her familyā€™s crushing expectations and their traditions, she knows she must escape.

At Combe Abbey, a traditional English private boarding school in the Dorset countryside, Marina realizes sheā€™s made a terrible mistake. Here, among the boathouses, chapel services and unspoken social hierarchy, she is the awkward half-foreign girl who doesnā€™t know how to fit in, flirt, or even exist.

Meanwhile, her mother has her own painful secrets to deal with ā€“ especially the surprising return of the very last man sheā€™d expect to see. And Marinaā€™s disastrous spiral at Combe Abbey is going unnoticed . . .

ā€˜A deliciously funny tale of dysfunctional families. . . Reading Mendelsonā€™s easy, assured prose is like sinking into something soft and velvetyā€™ ā€“ Telegraph

ā€˜I read and adored Almost English . . . and now I will read everything sheā€™s ever written. Charlotte Mendelson is a fiendishly gifted writerā€™ ā€“ Marian Keyes