
Alternative Medicine: Health from Nature


When life throws illness, disease or other physical ailments our way, the usual Western reaction is to reach for pharmaceutical solutions or treatments. History has shown us, that while effective, modern medicine is not always the best option - nor should it automatically be the first inclination.

Long before Scientists and Laboratories made medicine into an industry, ALL medicine was Alternative. Luckily, we still have this wisdom available to us today, offering us a different route to health and longevity.

Used in conjunction with common sense, Alternative Medicines and Practices can and will promote better health and well-being. This introductory guide dives into the theory, history and applications behind many common, and not so common, Alternative Therapies, including:

* Herbal Remedies

* Massage

* Yoga

* Acupuncture

* Tai Chi

* Meditation

* Iridology

* Homeopathy

* Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

* Reiki

* Crystal Therapy

* And much more!

Whether you are seeking treatment for a particular ailment or a path to greater health, Alternative Medicine offers a wide array of options and therapies - ones that will fit with your needs, lifestyle and personal outlook. Unlike conventional pharmaceutical medicine, there is no'one size fits all'approach with Alternative Medicine; let this book be your guide.