
An Impossible Distance to Fall


"I imagine wing-walking and reading An Impossible Distance to Fall feel a great deal the same: heart-stopping, thrill-seeking and addictive. A book to be re-read over, and over, and over again." ā€”Katherine Locke, award-winning author of The Girl with the Red Balloon

Here is a story about fallingā€”falling from grace, falling in loveā€”as well as soaring to heights you wouldnā€™t know were possible if you never stepped out into thin air.

Itā€™s 1930, and Birdie Williamā€™s life has crashed along with the stock market. Her fatherā€™s bank has failed, and worse, heā€™s disappeared along with his Jenny biplane.

When Birdie sees a leaflet for a barnstorming circus with a picture of Dadā€™s plane on it, she goes to Coney Island in search of answers.

The barnstorming circus has lady pilots, daredevil stuntmen, fire-spinners, and wing walkers, and Birdie is instantly enchantedā€”especially with a girl pilot named June. Birdie doesnā€™t find her father, but after stumbling across clues that suggest heā€™s gone to Chicago, she figures sheā€™ll hitch a ride with the traveling circus doing what she does best: putting on a convincing act and insisting on being star of the show.

But the overconfidence that made her belle of the ball during her enchanted youth turns out to be far too reckless without the safety net of her charmed childhood, and a couple of impulsive missteps sends her and her newfound community spinning into freefall.