
Applied forest management for tropical and subtropical plantations


Global demand for forest products is increasing daily. This implies an incremental pressure on tropical and subtropical forests to supply wood products. Natural forests continue to supply wood, although their capacity is decreasing steadily. We are depending more and more on forest plantations to satisfy industrial needs for solid wood as well as pulpwood. Fortunately, the warm climates have an enormous potential to produce wood fiber when the production is based on applied science. By selecting the appropriate species for given sites and the use of the principles of silviculture and genetic improvement, tree plantations can often produce more than 50 m3/ha/year. Because of their capacity for rapid growth, the tropical and subtropical regions have a great advantage over the temperate regions. William Ladrach has dedicated more than 40 years to the research and management of forest plantations in various parts of the world, principally in Central and South America. This book, Applied Forest Management for Tropical and Subtropical Plantations, provides a guide to future forest production. It is a guide to applied forestry and covers subjects from viewpoints of the biological, ecological, economic and industrial sciences. This work is of great value to foresters, students, industrial managers, researchers and others who work in equatorial countries. It will have a strong and positive impact on the establishment of tree plantations during the coming decades.