
At the Brink


A Story of Sexual Obsession


I should never have agreed to it.

A woman will do a lot to keep her husband happy. But when my husband sells me to the highest bidderā€”billionaire, former navy SEAL, pride of Bostonā€™s business sceneā€”I agree, not to keep him happy, but because it gives me the chance to finally escape. Escape my marriage, escape my debts, escape my lifeā€¦

Josh Lane demands a steep price: my pride and my morals. But the truth is, Iā€™ve never felt anything like what I feel for him. He brings color into my gray world. And his insistence that I submit to his commandsā€”his depraved, filthy, amazing commandsā€”only feeds my craving to be taken by him. Again. And again.

I should never have agreed to it, but Iā€™m so glad I did.


I donā€™t need to pay to keep women in my bed. Though my preferences may be unorthodox, I never leave a woman unsatisfiedā€”far from it. Lily Boswell, thoughā€¦ Her innocence draws me, her secrets intrigue me. Having her is worth dealing with her cowardly scum of a husband.

I want to release her passions and heal her wounds.

On my terms.

Because the blindfolds and restraints hide more than she could imagine. I must keep her safe from the people who would destroy meā€”and the demons that haunt my dreams.