
Beyond the mind trap


'Beyond the Mind Trap' addresses a fundamental challenge for organisations today and in the future.

The book describes a mind trap that is created in the turning-point between ingrained perspectives and the new requirements of today’s modern organisational systems, leaders and co-workers.

The mind trap causes enormous frustration, resulting in uncommunicative, over-controlling and bureaucratic organisations and overturned managerial and leadership roles.

The book gives you a number of tips on how to handle mind traps in your organisation.

The authors also describe likely perspectives on future organisations, leadership and HRM issues.

'Beyond the Mind Trap' is a must for everyone who is interested in organisation, leader-ship, development, trends and the future.

'This superb book on management, and particularly people management, has three major merits. First, it is short. Second it is very easy to read. Third, despite – or because of – the first two merits, it will make you think. What more could you ask of a book?'

– Chris Brewster, Professor of International Human Resource Management, Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK

'This useful book strips back organisation, leadership and HRM to its essentials and produces some unique insights - particularly where it discusses using meetings positively rather than avoiding them!'

– Dr John Lloyd Director of Research, Amicus the Union 1999-2004

'This is a stimulating and readable book whose insights into how organisations work (and more importantly don´t) in today´s economic and technological circumstances are as relevant for government and the public sector as they are for private companies.'

– Geoff Fordham, Managing director of GFA Consulting and formerly Visiting Professor at Birkbeck College, University of London.