
Blackout After Dark


Sheā€™s just temporary, a momentary blip in my life. Although I have to admit sheā€™s quite attractive, as far as blips go. Sheā€™s also the first person my son has ever actually liked, which has to count for something. New plan: I will notā€¦ let myself get too attached to the nanny. Iā€™ve always been the kind of man to keep my plans flexible. Adaptation is key. Just like Iā€™ve had to adapt to having a beautiful woman waiting for me when I get home every nightā€”temporarily, of course. My son deserves better than temporary. And I wonā€™t dangle the prospect of a happy, complete family in front of him when I know the relationship wouldnā€™t last. Beneath the innocent big doe eyes and the charming awkwardness, the nanny would turn out like the rest. Sheā€™d find some reason to leave. They all do. So Iā€™ll make one final amendment to the plan. Yes, I may think inappropriate thoughts about the nanny and get attached to the nanny, but I will not fall for the nanny. And if I do, I will deny it until my cold dead heart freezes over.

Verteller: Stella Hunter
