You Are About To Discover How Exactly You Can Master The Craft Of Bread Baking To Become A Perfect Baker That Can Consistently Make Incredible Baked Stuff All The Time! Are you tired of using the same approach to baking and want to advance, explore new ideas and revive your bread-baking experience, make money off it and delight your family and friends with something “different?” Or are you totally new to bread baking and want to kick start your journey like a pro? Baking is one of the most pleasurable things to do, but like most food preparation methods, it can get boring, tiresome and demoralizing when you do it the same way over and over again, or if you do it the wrong way and get less than impressive results. This is particularly devastating if you’re passionate about baking! By virtue that you are reading this, it is clear you are tired of making mistakes or just winging it as far as baking all manner of breads, cookies, muffins, loaves and other baked food stuffs is concerned. More precisely you will discover: • How bread baking has evolved over time, how it’s being practiced today, and how it should be done for the perfect bread • The ingredients you need to bake bread, how to get the right ones and store them properly • How to select your baking tools and equipment • The steps you need to take to bake properly, and the techniques to utilize • How to make dough, including sourdough and pre-fermented versions • Easy recipes to help you make different kinds of bread …And so much more!
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