
Bro Code


Thereā€™s pretty much only one rule when youā€™re a guy. Donā€™t be a douche. Turns out, the fastest way to break that rule is to fall for your best friendā€™s sister. Avaā€™s brilliant, sharp-tongued, gorgeous, and five years younger than me. Sheā€™s the sexual equivalent of running with scissors. In a word, sheā€™s dangerous. And completely off-limits. Falling for her could ruin everything. Yet I canā€™t seem to stop, even when her company is threatened by a lawsuit, and my promotion hinges on representing the opposing clientā€”and winning. I canā€™t see a way out of this mess that doesnā€™t end in a broken friendship, a broken heart, or a ruined career. I may have broken the bro code when I fell for Ava. But do I have the balls to handle what comes next?