
Can't Let Go


Larkin and Graham Hadley come from completely different worlds. Sheā€™s from the trailer park; heā€™s from the yacht club. Inexplicably, they fall in love. Suddenly, she has the kind of life she never even dared to dream of. Yet, even as the wife of a man from a prominent Charleston family, Larkin is still an outsider. After all, in Charleston, South Carolina, bloodline is everything. Larkin feels like she will never be accepted by the old-money snobs that Grahamā€™s family pals around with. And she's right. But then, one morning, she meets Caroline Beaufain, the Queen Bee of Charlestonā€™s high society. Surprisingly, Caroline takes a liking to Larkin. With Caroline's stamp of social approval, Larkin feels like sheā€™s finally somebody. Despite her past, Larkin has joined the secret world of the one percent. But she soon discovers that Caroline Beaufain's friendship comes with a high priceā€”one she isn't so sure she's capable of payingā€¦especially once someone ends up dead.