
City of Love



I donā€™t have a diary, I have a pen pal: a Parisian girl named Noel who knows my deepest, darkest secrets. And now that I've finally graduated, itā€™s time to go meet her. Paris, here I come!

Exceptā€¦ something isnā€™t quite right in the City of Love. Because my first thought when I see Noel?

Thatā€™s not a girl.

Nope, apparently Noel is a guy. Thatā€™s right: a guy. An attractive guy, with tattoos and green eyes that seem to see right through me.

Who is this, and what on earth is going on?


I know how it sounds, but Iā€™m not a creep. I just thought Lydia knew I was a guy. By the time I realized she didnā€™t, sheā€™d already started opening up about school and bullies and whatnot. She needed a friend. So, yesā€”I let her think I was a girl. And frankly, I would do it again. I canā€™t make myself regret being there for her.

But now Lydia is here in Paris, and Iā€™m realizing that my feelings for her might be more than just friendly. Iā€™ll have to do everything in my power not to fall for her completely, because she deserves way better than me.

Too bad thatā€™s easier said than doneā€¦

Note: This book deals with themes like bullying and (non-graphic) harassment, but not between the love interests.