
Colonyside : A Novel


A missing scientist and deep pockets pull Colonel Carl Butler out of retirement, investigating another mystery that puts him and his teamā€”and the future of relations with alien speciesā€”in danger in COLONYSIDE, the exciting follow-up to Planetside and Spaceside...read by R.C. Bray!

A military hero is coming out of disgraceā€”straight into the line of fireā€¦

Carl Butler was once a decorated colonel. Now heā€™s a disgraced recluse, hoping to live out the rest of his life on a backwater planet where no one cares about his ā€œcrimesā€ and everyone leaves him alone.

Itā€™s never that easy.

A CEOā€™s daughter has gone missing and he thinks Butler is the only one who can find her. The government is only too happy to appease him. Butler isnā€™t so sure, but he knows the pain of losing a daughter, so he reluctantly signs on. Soon heā€™s on a military ship heading for a newly-formed colony where the dangerous jungle lurks just outside the domes where settlers live.

Paired with Mac, Ganos, and a government-assigned aide named Fader, Butler dives head-first into what should be an open and shut case. Then someone tries to blow him up. Faced with an incompetent local governor, a hamstrung military, and corporations playing fast and loose with the laws, Butler finds himself in familiar territory. Heā€™s got nobody to trust but himself, but thatā€™s where he works best. Heā€™ll fight to get to the bottom of the mystery, but this time, he might not live to solve it.

Verteller: R.C. Bray