
Confessions of a Wannabe Cheerleader


Sunday, September 5:

Afternoon, my crib

Spirit Level:

Cheered Out

OK, so this was supposed to be the first day of my new, totally fantastic life as a Port Angeles School Titan Cheerleader. BUT instead, itā€™s the day that I, Madison Jane Hays, got rejected from the Titans and forced to join the dreaded, B-Squad Grizzly Bears. Thatā€™s right. My name was sandwiched in between Jared ā€œJazzhandsā€ Handler and ā€œToxicā€ Tabitha Sue Stevens. Oh, and the girl who canā€™t even speak English, Katarina Tarasov. Yup, weā€™re one big hairy family. I went from being a god-like Titan to a lowly Grizzly in like, five seconds. My life. Is Seriously. O-V-E-R. I mean, who cheers at chess matches??!! Iā€™m never going to make it to Nationals with a team like this. All Iā€™ve ever wanted to do in life is cheer for the Titans. My mom (the most gorgeous, youngest ex-Titan cheerleader of ALL TIME, BTW) must be so disappointed! How she ended up with such a spastic daughter, Iā€™ll never know. What I DO know? If I donā€™t whip this team into shape fast, Iā€™ll literally DIE from embarrassment. Thank goodness I have my BFFs Lanie and Evan to keep me saneā€”otherwise, I might SERIOUSLY lose it.

When Maddy's triple flip becomes a major FLOP during tryouts, the whole gym echoes with the snickers from the Titan cheerleading triumvirate: Katie Parker, Clementine Prescott, and Hilary Cho. Forced to join the challenged B-Squad Grizzlies instead, Maddy realizes that to become a Titan she'll need to whip the Grizzlies into shape first. Will Maddy ever land on top of the pyramid with a squad like this? Maybe not, but when her awesome designs for new Grizzly uniforms get revealed at a big game, even the Titans are overheard whispering her name. Does this mean what she thinks it means?