
Crossing the Line


A patch of black ice is all it takes for Ryan ā€œPreachā€ Armstrongā€™s perfectly planned future to skid out of control. The car crash shatters his hockey dreamsā€¦and injures Woodhavenā€™s newest student, Grace Milner. As much as this feisty track phenom gets under Preachā€™s skin in all the best and worst ways, she might just be his path to redemptionā€¦ Grace canā€™t believe that all it took was seriously bad timing and a hot but prickly hockey player to threaten her lifelong dream of joining the Air Force. Now, instead of prepping for the track season and the beginning of basic training, she has to complete community service with the absolute last person she would ever want to be stuck with: the guy who shattered her future. When two fierce competitors collide this hard, the only result is heartbreakā€¦or an epic victory, as they cross the finish line together.