
Danger at the Cove


Renovations on Tregarrick Rock Hotel are coming along, and Evie Mead thinks they just might be done by opening day. Then one of her sister Margotā€™s old Hollywood friends, Louise, arrives unannouncedā€”and expects VIP treatment. Evie has half a mind to tell Louise to find other accommodations, but Margot pleads with Evie, saying that Louiseā€”despite her upbeat and demanding attitudeā€”is grieving her recently deceased husband. Evie pities her, and, besides, the sisters need help. A simple rewiring project has resulted in a major overhaul of the hotel, and theyā€™re way over budget. The small life insurance policy left to Evie by her own husband is gone, and they are desperate for funds. Margot believes that Louise, a marketing guru, can put the hotel on the map and give it the boost it needs. But when a member of the hotel staff is found dead and then another murder follows, the sistersā€™ plans crumble before their eyes. Who would do such a thingā€”and why? In a rollicking adventure involving a shipwreck filled with buried treasure, a dashing and mysterious Australian named Randy, and old rivalries stretching back to far before Evie and Margot ever set foot on the island, itā€™s all hands on deck to find the killerā€”and save the hotel.

Verteller: Ella Lynch