Did you know that the older a woman gets, the more health risks she has? Certain conditions can affect a woman mentally, emotionally, and physically. One of these factors is the food eaten.
Some conditions call for specific diet planning, for example, one of which is this condition called endometriosis. Endometriosis affects about 11% of women each year. Studies carried out show that 50% to 60% of women experience pelvic pain along with the condition.
As women grow older, the strength of their immune system weakens and can only be maintained through healthy living. This is no to say that men aren't at risk too. However, it is very rare to see a man with endometriosis. It is also known to be incurable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it.
This clinical condition is common. To further handle this condition, keep reading to know more about endometriosis and how to develop a proper diet for this condition.
In this guide you will learn:
What endometriosis is
Causes and stage
The best diet plan for endometriosis
What foods to avoid if you have the condition
How to plan and maintain a healthy 3-week diet
Although it can become problematic if left untreated, having endometriosis is not a kiss of death. A proper diet can help maintain a healthy level and reduce pelvic pain.
This guide aims to give relevant information to women with endometriosis and guide them on preparing the best endometriosis diet plan recipes that would help boost their immune systems.
This is just a basic explanation of endometriosis. And it’s not a step by step guide. It just gives examples. I had expected there was a dieting plan for day to day. The book consisted noting new for me
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