
Equipped for Missions : Ten Tools for Healthy Cross-Cultural Living and Working


This book gives mission workers tools to handle the positive and the difficult sides of living and working in a cross-cultural situation.

A rich resource ...

D. de V., Global HR, SIL International

Equipped for Missions is an interesting mosaic of solid information, psychological and spiritual and spiritual direction, striking examples, practical advice, and exploratory assignments. It gives mission workers tools to handle the positive and the difficult sides of living and working in a cross-cultural situation. It offers mission organizations a concrete tool for the guidance of their workers - both for those in the preparation phase and those already abroad. And it has been used by numerous home base teams to get a better feel for the life and work of the person they are supporting, thus deepening the relationship between worker and home base.

The continuing positive response of mission workers, organizations, member care workers, and home support groups were the key reasons for issuing a completely revised fourth edition in 2021, published in English in 2022.

Corry Nap-van Dalen, MSc. (psychology), worked as a missionary in Nepal from 1981 to 1993. She was one of the founders of Member Care Netherlands and developed InTransit, an agency that guides, trains, supervises, and supports mission workers and sending organizations. In Equipped for Missions you can taste the broad experience and expertise Corry Nap gained as a missionary and missionary psychologist.

Praise for Equipped for Missions

Equipped for Missions is a rich resource for promoting mission workers' well-being. I cannot emphasize enough how valuable it will be for the international member care community to have access to this book.

D. de V., M.A., Strategic Leader of Staff Care, Global HR, SIL International

Corry Nap is internationally merited because of the psychological assessment for mission workers she has developed. I have read a considerable amount of the documentation for mission preparation, but I have not yet come across an equivalent of this book in the English language. Highly recommended!

Reina Folkerts, Human Resources Manager for Mission Aviation Fellowship Netherlands

I had lived and worked abroad with a family for 14 years and only then did I read Equipped for Missions. I felt I would have wanted to have read the information and done the exercises before and while we were in the field.

Annemieke van Stek, MA, Intercultural Coach from All Nations Christian College

If you want to stay resilient in missions nowadays, you have to read this book. I highly recommend it to the international community. It is a good resource and practical guide in your missionary journey.

Samuël Bekx, HR Recruiter with Trans World Radio Europe and CAMENA

Equipped for Missions will help mission workers to evaluate where they are and where they see a need for further growth. It will also help organizations evaluate and promote the well-being of the people they are responsible for, and can easily be used in an organizational care and well-being plan. I have looked for a similar book in English but haven't found it.

Helma Rem, MA, Member Care, Personnel Consultant, Wycliffe Global Alliance Europe