


Alarick has dealt with an array of difficult things in his lifeā€”his father disappearing, his mother dying, becoming the president of his club. His life hasnā€™t been easy, and itā€™s certainly never been simple. But he knows how to handle this world. There isnā€™t a single thing in it he canā€™t deal withā€¦until now. Bodies are showing up on his doorstep. People are uncovering lie upon lie. Those he trusts are making him doubt. Danger is lurking in every corner. Heā€™s trapped between wanting to protect those he loves and finding out the truth. The woman he cares about is treading on dangerous grounds, and he can do nothing to stop her. If he doesnā€™t find a solution soon, more lives will end, and the terror will continue. How is he supposed to fix whatā€™s broken, when he canā€™t even find the crack? How is he supposed to protect his club, when everything he thought he knew is a lie? Alarick knows one thing for certain: whatever monster is out there, it hasnā€™t met him yet.